
Emotional Brazilian wedding in UK

26 września, 2018
Brazilian wedding in UK

In the beginning of September we had a wonderful opportunity to take a part in the wedding of Thalyta and Marcos. We met them last year on Mallorca when they asked us if we could make a ’save the date’ video and a small engagament photo shooting just before their flight back to UK. We kept in touch since then as we had so much fun together!

Few months ago we got a message from Thalyta saying if we have any plans for beginning of September. They already had photographers for their big day but still couldn’t find appropriate videographers… Thalyta wrote they felt with Marcos so comfortable with us and they really loved the first video so just asked about our availability.

Of course, we can do it! We replied just few hours later 🙂 Straight after we booked flights to UK and then start counting days to see them!

Weeding took place in amazing venue Ardington House exactly on the 3rd of September. Everyone knows that British weather can be very moody but at that day, sun was shining and we felt summer mood at it’s best! We came in the morning to make some aerial footage and catch some preparations as a flower decorations and all these details that we truly love in our videos. Everyone was so involved and focused to make absolutely dreamy wedding place.

Brazilian wedding in UK

Then we moved to the venue where we started filming Marcos while he was dressing up. We think that we achieved our goal by catching his best moments and emotions appearing on his face. At his stage we also met two Brazilian photographers, Felype and Thiago. So it was four of us to capture T&M Day 🙂 Filming 'getting ready’ of Thalyta and all her beloved ladies was a dream for us, videographers. Light, details, a gorgeous wedding dress, stylish room, great mood – actually everything together! We couldn’t take our cameras off as every scene looked so perfect!

Brazilian wedding in UK

Brazilian wedding in UK

Brazilian wedding in UK

Brazilian wedding in UK

Brazilian wedding in UK

Ok, so let’s move to the Ceremony which was one of the most emotional that we have ever seen. As there are some traditions in different countries and cultures we also met few Brazilian habits. There were two of us, so we had a chance to catch as well as emotions of Thalyta walking down the aisle with her father as love-struck eyes of Marcos. Ceremony took about 25 minutes while we were witnesses to touching vows and emotional Celebrant’s speech.

Brazilian wedding in UK

Brazilian wedding in UK

Brazilian wedding in UK

Brazilian wedding in UK

After Ceremony, guests spent some time outside enjoying canapés. It was great opportunity to make some cinematic takes of Thalyta and Marcos. We used them in post-production during vows and think that was a perfect idea. In the end everyone enjoyed time with new married couple under the fairy lights, tasting delicious barbecue and wedding cake.

Brazilian wedding in UK

That was a beautiful day and thank you Thalyta and Marcos for being part of it.

Brazilian wedding in UK

Finally, we created a 15 min. wedding video and 5 min wedding highlights from that special day.

[lightbox title=”WEDDING OF THALYTA AND MARCOS” lightbox_video_url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V35yq8ctRP0″ lightbox_url=”http://www.happinessmode.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/brazilian-wedding-uk5.jpg” thumbnail_url=”http://www.happinessmode.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/brazilian-wedding-uk5.jpg” align=”center”]

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